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Want to finally Lose Weight & Heal your relationship with FOOD?
I will teach you everything you need to know about how to effectively lose weight, steps to Intuitive Eating, heal your relationship with food in 8 weeks. You will feel better than you have in years, and you glow from the inside out.
In Sanskrit, “Ayurveda” means, “Knowledge of Life And Longevity.”
There is a reason that “in-the-know” celebrities including Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, and even Steve Jobs, have adopted this holistic, wellness practice.
Because it is simple, easy-to-implement, and, more importantly, it works!
Modern society is constructed in a way that we actually have to work at being healthy.
The problem is..

go from binging to dieting,
you feel lost and helpless with all the media information out there,
you feel guilty, anxious and ashamed,
your weight keeps going up and your self-esteem keeps going down.
Then you have...
your Family to take care of.
Dinner seems like a chore, kids have homework to do, the house needs to be cleaned and maintained . . . and then it snowballs . . .
Laundry piles up, yard work goes undone and pretty soon you have totally lost yourself in the midst of the chaos and overwhelm while trying to hold it all together.
Eventually, this manifests in your body and mind as chronic pain, anxiety, depression and it even effects the relationship with your kids and significant other.
But most important ...
You feel disconnected from yourself, and as a result, your natural states of well-being are interrupted.
Lost trying to lose weight, stop bing-dieting cycle and heal yourself? Then my Stop Dieting, Lose Weight Naturally Program is perfect for you.
Designed to take you from obsessing about food and excessive weight to healing your relationship with food and weight-loss.
My Journey
I know, from personal experience, what a difference this subtle shift in habits can make in your life. I was over-counting calories, obsessed with my weight and yo-yo dieting, before I found Ayurveda as many other healing modalities that incorporate in my coaching. It was my savior!
It healed my body, mind and soul, from the inside out.

This program is right for you if ...

You’ve tried online diets before. What makes this one different?
If you know dieting doesn't work, but want to lose weight and be healthier, this program is for you!
There is NO deprivation, terrible food or suffering in this program.
It is actually enjoyable, delicious, easy and safe to implement, starting from wherever you are at.
The mind-body-soul transformation that takes place as a result of adopting a Holistic Lifestyle is impossible to describe unless you experience it for yourself.
Are you intrigued, but worried about the following:
Do I have time for this in my busy lifestyle?
Do I have to shop at expensive, specialty stores?
Is it going to be too much work or money?
Is it going to be worth it?
Taking your LIFE BACK is more important
than anything else!

Through this program, you will learn everything you need to...
Lose weight effectively and keep it off
Ditch the diet mentality & stop binging
Behave around food
Heal yourself from the inside out
Maintain this new lifestyle for the rest of your life

When I first began coaching with Sara I was completely burnt out, and unhappy in my mind, body and spirit
Through working with Sara, I learnt practical ways to deal with my eating habits (physical and mental) and learnt about my mind-body constitution in Ayurveda. Even more, she helped me to identify habits I didn’t even know I had.
Sara was never judgmental and she helped me to have great compassion and love for those around me as I learned that other men and women are struggling too.
Deirdre T.

Healthier Relationship with your Body
Uplifted Mood
Ease of Mind
Unlike one-time, restrictive, fad diets, you can use this knowledge for the rest of your life!
Bring My Mind/Body Back into Balance
& Lose Weight Naturally STARTING TODAY!
I am a busy Mom of 3, and one of my boys has special needs. I work part time as an Early Interventionist. I am busy and have a habit of putting everyone else first. Before meeting with Sara I was overweight, my left hip and sciatic was hurting all the time and I just felt sluggish. Sara helped me slow down, look at the mind body connection. She helped me learn new ways to feed my mind and body with positivity, and healthy yummy foods. I’ve lost 12lbs and am on way to my goal, I’m sleeping better, my left hip/sciatic pain is almost nonexistent. Sara has been great!
I truly enjoyed our time together. You challenged me, encouraged me and taught me a great deal. Thank you for the firmness but grace as so much of it all is emotional and challenging to process. I am so looking forward to reconnecting in the months to come and share more success stories and even get a "reset" with you!