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Answer each question according to what has been true for you throughout your life.

Question 1 of 18

Picture yourself in high school, how would you describe your body frame?

Question 2 of 18

If you were in the supermarket looking at facial cream, what product features would you be looking for?

Question 3 of 18

Imagine you’re getting your teeth cleaned and the dentist peaks in and quickly comments about your teeth to the hygenist. How is she describing your teeth? (Remember, she doesn’t know you’re listening).

Question 4 of 18

How is your appetite?

Question 5 of 18

Next it’s finally time to get your hair cut and colored! Your hair stylist combs through your hair and acts how you’d describe your hair growing up. You respond by saying,

Question 6 of 18

Tell me about your height and build

Question 7 of 18

Throughout my life, my body temperature has tended to be…

Question 8 of 18

You’re at the Pediatrician’s office with your child and found a book all about poop. As you’re reading the descriptions about types of BMs, you try to identify the BM shape you often experience. Which description feels most accurate?

Question 9 of 18

How is your digestion?

Question 10 of 18

How is your memory?

Question 11 of 18

How do you usually like to spend your day?

Question 12 of 18

How would your best friend describe you to a stranger?

Question 13 of 18

I tend to…

Question 14 of 18

I tend to…

Question 15 of 18

What are you like under Stress?

Question 16 of 18

What kind of activity do you enjoy?

Question 17 of 18

How would you describe your way of faith or spirituality?

Question 18 of 18

How is your relationship with money?




Vata Body

AsVata you have a light, flexible body frame. You have small, dry, active eyes. You constantly feel cold and experience digestive and malabsorption problems, bloating, gas due to irregular appetite and thirst.

You tend to be delicate in health and your sleep is light and disturbed. You are easily excited and your energy comes in burst, and you are likely to experience suddenly fatigue.

How to balance Vata in the body?

Reduce the amount of astringent, dry, light, cold, raw and processed foods. (like salads, smoothies, cold ice coffee, bread and crackers…)

Increase sweet, sour, salty, warm, cooked whole foods like baked ground vegetables (pumpkin, sweet potato, beets, carrots) and cooked zucchini, brussels sprouts, avocados, dates, figs, lemons, limes, papayas, grapefruit and grapes.

Include more spices like black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cumin, fennel, ginger, turmeric, saffron.

Pitta Body

As pitta you have a medium frame and weight. You might notice you have most or some of these traits: bright red or blonde hair, intense sharp gaze, pointy face features (chin, nose, teeth).

Your body is full of fire and you can feel it. You naturally have an athletic physique with a strong appetite to match. You tend to get irritable when you hungry. You often feel overheated and may sweat profusely in workouts. You have a fast metabolism and can often get away with eating anything! However, you are likely to suffer from hyperacidity, acid reflux and even ulcers if you do not eat the right diet.

How to balance Pita in the body?

Reduce the amount of spicey, sour, processed foods. (like cayenne, fried food, processed sugar, coffee and alcohol…)

Increase sweet, bitter and astringent whole foods like baked ground vegetables (pumpkin, sweet potato, beets, carrots and… lots of leafy greens).

Include more cooling herbs and spices like coriander, cilantro, fennel and cardamom.

Kapha Body

As Kapha you have a strong, large body frame and excellent stamina. You might notice you have most or some of these traits: large and soft eyes, strong teeth and thick, curly hair, oily and smooth skin.

As a Kapha, losing weight is especially difficult for you. You may have carried extra pounds for years and have tried countless diets to shed them, without any results. You retain water easily, causing you to become bloated and puffy. You love to sleep and have a hard-time getting up in the morning. You don't have a huge appetite, but whatever you eat seems to make you gain weight. You may notice your weight fluctuates up to 5 pounds in a day. You may also experience mucus, such as coughs, phlegm and colds frequently.

How to balance Kapha in the body?

Reduce the amount of sweet, sour and salty taste like processed sugar, fried foods, dairy and reduce the consumption of meat. Focus on introducing plenty of vegetables and fresh fruit in your daily life.

Include more spices heating spices—like chili, black or cayenne pepper, ginger, cinnamon, and cumin.

Vata Mind

You are creative, eccentric and free-spirited.  Emotionally, you have good imagination and you are very creative; you are quick to act without much thinking. You love new experience and they are always looking for new adventures, in fact they do not like sitting on the couch for a long time! You start lots of different projects but sometimes have a hard-time finishing them. You must practice mindfulness to prevent yourself from becoming anxious, which is how you react to situations out of your control.

When you are balanced, you are energetic, joyful and full of life.
When you are out of balance, you are nervous, anxious and unsettled.

How to balance excess Vata in the mind?


Include calming and grounding practices in your daily life, like meditation, walks in nature, gentle yoga or stretching…

Do your best to stick to a daily routine, even if you feel it’s hard for you to follow. Make sure you have 3 main meals a day at regular times and do your best to integrate a morning routine and a night time routine.

Pitta Mind

You have a fiery nature that manifests in your personality.

You are goal-oriented, ambitious and highly organized. You are a natural born leader and take command in situations. You stick to your word and finish what you've started- people can depend on you. You have a very organized mind and time-management is important for you. You absolutely cannot stand when people do not stick to their word or respect your time, which makes you extremely frustrated. In fact, that's a reoccurring theme in your life. You have a tendency to become impatient in situations where you are out of control and sometimes snap at the people you love the most. It's important for you to cool your fiery temper through meditation or spending time in nature.


When you are balanced, you are disciplined, organized and confident.

When you are out of balance, you are critical, impatient, jealous or angry.


How to balance excess Pitta in the mind?


Stay away from sources of heat and instead look for a cool, well-ventilated environment.

Hydrate yourself with plenty of cooling drinks, like mint tea or coconut water…



Include calming and grounding practices in your daily life, like meditation, walks in nature, gentle yoga or stretching…

Do your best to stick to a daily routine, even if you feel it’s hard for you to follow. Make sure you have 3 main meals a day at regular times and do your best to integrate a morning routine and a night time routine.

Kapha Mind


When balanced, you are naturally calm, loving, warm, loyal, kind and nurturing. People come to you whenever they need a shoulder to lean on. You have a great sense of humor and can get along with anyone- however, nothing replaces your lifelong friends. You tend to stick with what and who you know and sometimes limit your own potential. Sometimes it's difficult for you to try new things and get out of your comfort zone. Though you are there for everyone else, you have the tendency to suppress your own emotions. This can lead to emotional or binge eating. You feel like you have to be there for everyone else but cannot express your own frustrations, which can make you feel depressed.

When you are balanced, you are sweet, funny and peaceful.
When you are out of balance, you become lazy, depressed or lonely.


How to balance excess Kapha in the mind?


  • An energetic routine. Avoid stagnation.

  • A vigorous exercise routine that includes jogging, hiking, biking, vigorous forms of yoga or martial arts.

  • Lively and invigorating music, smells, experiences, and company.

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