Cucumber water has been around for a very long time – years before the infused water mania began.
According to Ayurveda, the summer months can tip your pitta scales toward cranky, irritable, and drained (especially if your dominant dosha is pitta). Fortunately, the foods you eat can help to balance an overactive pitta dosha so that you can remain as cool as a cucumber. Speaking of cucumbers... would you like to hear a funny story?
This summer my dad and I planted so many cucumber plants thinking they were zucchini plants instead.. and now we have cucumbers coming out of our ears !!
... What to do with extra cucumbers around the house?
Not only is this a simple recipe, but it is also a very hydrating treat.
Pitta pacifying foods include those that are, quite literally, cool or cold by nature, densely nourishing (like avocados), and dry (such as air-popped popcorn). If your pitta dosha is imbalanced, reduce your consumption of hot, spicy, salty, and deep-fried foods; alcohol; and caffeine (sorry!). Luckily, there are some awesome concoctions which please the pitta by catering to bitter and astringent food qualities. Below is a recipe to keep you hydrated and cool.
1 cucumber, sliced
half lemon, sliced
fresh mint (optional)
Place 1 thinly sliced cucumber, half sliced lemon and some leaves of fresh mint in a pitcher. For still infused water, add 2 quarts of water. For sparkling water, add 1 quart of seltzer during prep and a second quart just before serving. Refrigerate 2 to 4 hours to allow the cucumber to infuse. Stir well. The infused water will keep refrigerated for up to 2 days. After 1 day, stir and discard the cucumber, lemon and mint.